Gen Rtd James Kabarebe welcomed Mali and Brazil Ambassadors.

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The State Secretary in charge of District Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MINAFET), Gen Rtd James Kabarebe, received the Ambassadors of Mali and Brazil to discuss strengthening cooperation and relations between both countries.

On the morning of Thursday 09 February 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Rwanda, on X announced that Gen Rtd James Kabarebe met with the two leaders. Gen Rtd Kabarebe when he received Mr. Dianguina dit Yaya Doucoure,

the Ambassador of Mali in Rwanda, the discussions they had returned to the relations between the two countries, as well as the problems that concern the region in general. The countries of Rwanda and Mali usually have a relationship based on the exchange of knowledge, in the field of financial management and national resources.

It is after the Inspector General of Finance and Public Assets in Mali, Samba Alhamdou Baby visited Rwanda in September last year. Mr. Samba, in a visit aimed at learning from experience, in the functioning of the public finance management body in Rwanda, held talks with the leadership of the Parliament of Rwanda, the Chamber of Deputies, in particular the Commission in charge of monitoring the use of ‘Finance and National Property.

Gen Rtd James Kabarebe also welcomed Silvio José Albuquerque e Silva, the Brazilian Ambassador to Rwanda, who is based in Nairobi, Kenya, Their talks focused on finding ways to further strengthen the cooperation between the two countries.

The relationship between Rwanda and Brazil started in 1981, and Rwanda for the first time in its history appointed an Ambassador who will represent its interests in that country.

On December 14, 2023, in the decisions made by the President of the Republic, Lawrence Manzi was appointed Ambassador of Rwanda to Brazil, after the interests of Rwanda in that country were looked after by Prof. Mathilde Mukantabana, Ambassador of Rwanda to United States based in Washington.