For the first time since the beginning of the year, Prices on the market have fallen dramatically

Feature News Health Rwanda

Rwandans may have smiling faces like they used to have before the Irish potatoes was being eaten by few and be missed by many, Especially because was very expensive to no more afford in homes as usual.

Rwandans may have smiling faces like they used to have before the Irish potatoes was being eaten by few and be missed by many, Especially because was very expensive to no more afford in homes as usual, The National Bureau of Statistics in Rwanda announced that market prices in November 2023 increased by 9.2% compared to November 2022, It is the first time prices have fallen significantly since the end of last year, according to monthly NISR data.

In October 2023, market prices had increased by 11.2%, NISR reported that in the month of November 2023, prices increased mainly due to food and non-perishable drinks prices which increased by 17.5%, transport costs increased by 8.3% and the cost of meals and accommodation increased by 6.4%.

Compared to November 2023 and November 2022, prices of non-food and energy products increased by 6.9%, compared to November 2023 and October 2023, prices decreased by 1%. This decrease was mainly due to the prices of food and non-perishable beverages which decreased by 3.3%.

In rural areas, in November 2023, prices in rural areas increased by 9.6% compared to November 2022. Prices in October 2023 increased by 14.1%. In the past few days, potatoes are one of the things that people have complained about, but their prices have increased significantly. It is one of the foods most consumed by Rwandans.

As for potatoes known as Kinigi, they used to cost more than 1200 Frw per kilo, but now they have between 500 Frw and 550 Frw, while there are usually some that can be bought for 300 Frw per kilo, in different shops and this shows that People are now going go back in the life they used to live.

This is also going to help the youth including Students who rent in Kigali after it have been difficult for them to afford Irish potatoes in their dairy lives in Kigali, As it is the Favourite food for many.