Find out 5 reasons why people close their eyes when they kiss

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Kissing is a rare custom among Rwandans, but it is taking another step. There are kisses that are considered casual and kisses that are meant to please each other which also last longer than kisses for greetings. Kisses that are meant to please each other are often awkward. This story reveals five reasons why people kiss each other.

1. Let the lips speak

Usually, the mouth is the part of the body that helps us to speak, except to say that you say words in love, there are words that cannot be spoken, they are often like the thoughts that a person would have but cannot find a way to express them. Kissing with your lover is the only way to use your lips. speak some truth from the heart.

2.Express happiness

Often in expressing happiness we close our eyes; there are those who close their eyes enjoying the beautiful songs they would listen to, there are those who close their eyes while worshiping and praising and being happy, there are those who enjoy prayer and comfort, when we sleep it is also happiness when we close our eyes, we are eating or drinking something sweet and most of us are comforting. Even in kissing both of them are happy, so they close their eyes.

3. A sign of faith

There is no reason for you to wake up too much when you are in a safe and secure place. Just as you would agree to persuade someone you trust to hold your hand and guide you or if you are sick to someone you trust to follow you, it is also when you are kissing your lover with your eyes closed as a sign of trust you have in him, things that show that you are not prejudiced.

4. Avoidance to get disturb

When all 5 parts of the sensory bias are blocked, the other important parts are spared the extra energy to work hard. This is especially true for people with visual or hearing disabilities. During the kiss, closing your eyes makes you pay more attention to the work you are doing and the lips and other aspects of the work are not seen by the other person, so anything that will come to you through the face will be avoided and you will enjoy what you are doing.

5. Pay close attention to the work you are doing

This shows that you are not begging for the job you are doing, but the person you are kissing is also kissing you and that is why it is called kissing and not just kissing. It means that it is not a work that I have or do but it is a work that is shared, done together. When you are committed to this process, it helps you to be the only one you think about and the only one you care about and enjoy even more love. If you used to make the mistake of kissing your partner with your eyes open, practice correcting it by doing it with your eyes closed and you will enjoy the act even more than you used to.