Finally Navalny was buried, 128 of his followers were arrested.

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Navalny’s funeral was held on March 1, 2024, and was attended by thousands of supporters and a large number of Russian police officers who were closely monitoring what was happening, especially since the country was accused of deliberately killing the politician.

As expected, Navalny’s supporters protested and accused the Moscow regime of involvement in the killing of their so-called leader, resulting in the arrest of more than 128 people. who announced that those arrested were in 19 cities of this largest country in the world.

These people were mad with rage, others cried out, showing that they did not want war but they would not forget their hero, AFP reported that before burying Navalny, the politician first prayed in the Orthodox Church and then went to the burial in the Borissovo Cemetery located in the capital Moscow, It was a ceremony attended by Navalny’s parents but his wife Yulia Navalnaya was not present.

During the farewell ceremony, the sound of the song from the movie Terminator 2 was heard, where Navalny’s spokesman announced that this movie was the politician’s favorite. work and no work, Navalny’s body was first displayed in public where it was surrounded by white and red flowers.

On the other hand, the Spokesman of the President’s Office in Russia, Dmitri Peskov, had warned those who tried to take advantage of Navalny’s funeral and protest, announcing that they would be severely punished.

Navalny, who was 47 years old, passed away, Russia announced that he died a natural death, while his wife and those in the West disagreed with that statement, saying that he was killed on Putin’s orders.