Facebook and Tiktok owners have apologized to all the parents whose Young girls have been addicted to it and got into violence.

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When he was questioned in front of the United States Senate, Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of the Meta company that owns Facebook and Instagram, apologized to the parents who accused him that their children would be harmed by the use of his social media, and that others would use sexual content and kill them.

On February 1, 2024, the BBC announced that these issues had been pressed together with other executives with other major social media platforms including TikTok, Snap, X, formerly known as Twitter, and Discord. The conference studied the issue of protecting children, especially those leaders who were asked about the measures they would take to protect children from the consequences of using these social networks.

In front of the leaders of these social networks, there were parents who testified about how their children were influenced by the use of social networks and led to activities related to sex, and others committed suicide due to what they saw on these sites.

Before those parents saw the leaders entering the meeting room, they got up with a lot of anger mixed with sadness, showing that their children would be greatly affected by what is done on the social networks of those leaders.

Mark Zuckerberg and the owner of TikTok, Shou Zi Chew, apologized to the parents, saying that no one wants to go through what these parents said their children went through as a result of using social media. Mark Zuckerberg was the most questioned by the Senators in the meeting, since it was the eighth time he explained himself in front of the Parliament.

In a furore, Republican Senator Ted Cruz asked Mark Zuckerberg what he was thinking when he introduced a feature on Instagram warning people that what they were about to view included child pornography and sexual abuse. asked if they want to see it.

Mark Zuckerberg responded by saying, “The basic science behind it is more helpful than being closed.” I’ll just follow it myself.’‘ Another Republican Senator, Josh Hawley, then asked Mark Zuckerberg to apologize to parents who reported negative effects on their children as a result of what they saw on the man’s social media.

Zuckerberg stood up and turned to look at the parents and said, “I’m sorry for everything you all went through. It’s scary. No one has ever gone through the problems your families have gone through.” As the owner of TikTok, Shou Zi Chew, he admitted that he feels the pain of these parents because he also has three young children, and insists that his children do not use Tik Tok because there is a law in Singapore that prevents children under the age of 13 from using it. their personal social media accounts. 

While on the other hand the manager of X and Discord refused to make any announcement about what the parents said, they were sent documents by the government asking them to explain themselves. Social media analyst Matt Navarra told the BBC that the United States has been slow to take action to address the effects of social media on children.

Only their managers revealed that they have staff to monitor activity on these sites, where each of Meta and TikTok have about 40,000, Snapchat has 2,300, while X has 2,000 and Discord has hundreds.