Drones are going to deliver goods to people staying in the country’s parks

Business Feature News

It is a project RDB has recently committed to work with Zipline Rwanda, which will help deliver Made in Rwanda products to customers who will be staying in hotels in different parks.

Taarifa news has it that this agreement was signed a week ago, but the announcement that clearly mentions it was published on Monday, February 12, 2024.

In it, it is written that Zipline will work with RDB in the management process to ensure that the hard spots are not disturbed.

The fact that Zipline was able to deliver blood to different parts of Rwanda and produce results, became a valid reason for starting a relationship with RDB in order to deliver other necessary items to others who are not sick or injured.

In the new agreement between RDB and Zipline, the company’s “drones” will deliver “Made in Rwanda” clothing to guests staying in the parks, including souvenir items.
The purpose of the RDB, according to its announcement, is to further develop the business of the products made in Rwanda, thus making Rwanda more popular.

Through this partnership, RDB and Zipline have agreed that a small portion of the proceeds from the purchases of the equipment will be invested in the project to expand the Volcano Park and continue to care for the health of the resident geese and the conservation of the animals in the park. the dangers of breaking out in Rwanda.

Delivering these products to those who need them will be faster and thus reduce the time it takes for the customer to wait.
According to RDB, working with Zipline will be more important in terms of protecting the environment because drones are a zero-emission technology.

Those in Zipline are also happy with this cooperation, and say that the fact that it is going to work at a higher level is another step that this company takes in good relations with Rwanda.

Pierre Kayitana, who is in charge of Zipline Rwanda’s general operations, said: “We are happy to work with RDB in this way to expand the boundaries of our activities not only to deliver blood but also to reach more.”
He then announced that they will initially work with two lodges namely Wilderness Destinations and Umva Muhazi Lodge.

Director of RDB Francis Gatare said that working with Zipline Rwanda is far-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, taking business to the next level and strengthening operations using technology.

In March, 2023, President Kagame had a technical meeting with the CEO of Zipline at the world level called Keller Rinaudo, allowing him to expand the operation of his company to provide Rwandans with other services other than bringing blood to hospitals.
Zipline is an American company that makes and uses drones in various life stages.

It started working in Rwanda in 2016, establishing its headquarters in Muhanga District.