DRC Congo: Rumors busts that Some FARDC Soldiers are joining the M23.

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The M23 group announced that many FARDC soldiers continue to turn their backs and join their group, saying that among those it has welcomed, The two of them has got the rank of colonel and have already arrived at their baseline.

It was announced by the Spokesman of M23 in the Military, Maj Willy Ngoma in a message through X Social media on the evening of Wednesday, January 10, 2024, Maj Willy Ngoma said, “Many high ranking and junior soldiers continue to turn their backs on the FARDC and join the ARC/M23, Among them there is Colonel Biyoyo who has been in Rutshuru since Saturday.”

The Spokesman of M23 in the military, continued to say that all the bad actions were being carried out by the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is what made these soldiers decide to go and support this group that is determined to put an end to all the injustices, that some Congolese people are facing nowdays.

In another message Maj Willy Ngoma announced on Thursday, January 11, 2024, he also said that among those soldiers who have joined the M23, including “Colonel Bahati Balingene Sadda who was in the 21 RR Brigade, now in Rutshuru.”

The M23 group says that it continues to receive soldiers from the FARDC, and recently reconciled with the AFC (Alliance Fleuve Congo) which is determined to remove from power, President Felix Tshisekedi who recently won another term in the presidential elections held last month.