Donald Trump tried to intimidate the Nation of the Undaunted.

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Donald Trump, who is one of the candidates for the position of the President of the United States of America, announced that he is not worried about being one of the countries that are part of the NATO community that would be affected by Russia, while not complying with the agreement of this organization.

NATO member countries are required to spend 2% of their GDP on military and defense, but almost all countries do not comply with this plan except the United States of America, On Friday, during a campaign event in Conway, South Carolina, Donald Trump said he would not be ashamed of abandoning NATO countries that do not comply with the plan.

He said, “NATO was going to collapse if I didn’t come. I said that everyone deserves to pay this money, they asked me if we don’t pay, will you continue to protect us? I told them no, they were surprised by my answer.”  Trump continued to say that one of the leaders of the major countries asked him what would happen if they did not pay this money. Trump said

“I told him that I will not continue to protect them, but I will encourage Russia to do whatever they want. You must be paid.” In general, NATO principles state that when one member is attacked, the entire organization is considered to have been attacked in such a way that all its members are incapacitated.

For Trump, he says that he does not agree with this practice and he has never announced that he wants to withdraw the United States of America from this organization.