Did you know, A headache is a sign of something wrong inside your body.

Feature News Health

There are people who often complain of frequent headaches, and some who have constant itching that has become normal for them. They go through that pain, they work with it as if they have accepted it.

Those pains that occur from 1 time in a week increase, may be a sign of another problem in the body, it is better not to continue self-medication but to go to the doctor, Especially if you experience some of these symptoms of depression, try to get yourself checked out by a doctor.

1. When the headache gets worse

2. When headache is accompanied by fever

3. When you are bitten you feel it in the front and back of the eyes

4. Itching of the head from the cheeks

Eating too much in one moment seems to be comfortable, in another moment it is eaten alternately, This itch is dangerous and sometimes you feel like something has hit you, you should be very careful, because it can be caused by bleeding in the brain, or another problem in the parts of it.

5. When you feel a headache like this, you should immediately go to the doctor, When people are in the same place and they all feel dizzy, This may be a sign that there is dirty air (carbon dioxide).