Cooperation between China and Africa on changing the behavior of countries to benefit different parties

Business Feature News

For a long time now, scientists have been discussing the issue of climate change, but some politicians, especially in western countries, due to their selfishness, have been opposing or misrepresenting the consequences of climate change, which have now begun to be seen clearly in various countries around the world.

Challenges still exist in African countries due to cooperation with international stakeholders of western countries seeming to talk more than to implement the promises, and every time there are international conferences on climate change issues, the same issues are discussed but the implementation is weak.

In Africa, there are some areas that were known to be harsh areas such as the Horn of Africa, which were faced with drought for a long time, that was what was being mentioned as the victims of climate change.

But the weather events that occurred at the end of 2023 in the East African region, such as unusually high temperatures, and floods and landslides.
With the challenges that exist in Africa in the area of ​​weather forecasting, for a long time such natural disasters never caused serious damage, but currently not Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda or Rwanda can say they feel sorry for the corner of Africa, because and they are victims of the consequences of climate change.
In December 2015, China and Africa established official cooperation on environmental issues. This partnership was established by looking at the issue of the environment as a whole, including the management of the presence of various species, addressing the issues of poverty and environmental damage, building the capacity to deal with and adapt to climate change and finding ways to resolve conflicts arising from climate change, and even bring together various stakeholders of climate issues.

The aid given this time to Botswana is only part of the implementation of a larger cooperation plan. It should be noted that in 2013, China had started to implement the plan by building modern weather observation stations for Comoro, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Namibia, Cameroon, and Sudan. In general, it has built 42 sets of weather stations, 100 sets of systems that use artificial intelligence for weather observation, as well as various systems to receive and process data from its satellites to help African countries.

It should also be noted that China continues to provide training to various people from Africa and has also sent its experts to Africa to install and repair equipment with locals trained in China.