Watch here the 5 most watched African songs on the Youtube platform

Music can be described as the mixture of both Recored Voices contains Other musical Instruments such as Drums, mixed with Pianos, Guitors and others. In fact Music is one of the best thing that can bring up the Happiness wherever you are, and in whatever you are doing, Music is also basically used in the […]

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Nizzo Kaboss Confirmed the news of their Reunite as “Urban Boys” that made history in Rwandan music industry.

Nshimiyimana Mohammed known as Nizo Kaboss in the Formal music group “Urban Boys” confirmed the new of their Reunite as the same “Urban Boys” after the results that is coming from the conversations the three are having nowdays. Nizzo Kaboss who was also the member of the group from Butare to Kigali, announced and informed […]

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Here are the 10 African countries to Marry a Woman from, That will ever Strengthen your marriage.

The Hertage, the Culture, History, the Love, Friendship and the Cooperation is the uniqueness in the Most Countries on this African continent we live on, Weather you read it in the books or you once got a chance to in Africa to prove it by yourself and testfy this to other friends of yours. All […]

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The 5 Crazy Ethics that can easily make people hate you, and escape you however.

Actually every human being likes being loved and cared about by all people around them, But however we all wish this, we also have something to pay attention to or to do for this wish to succeed, because not everyone has this quality of being loved. There are some Ethics or Habits that describe us […]

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Gakenke: People are reminded that the quality of meat depends on the way the animal is raised, how it is slaughtered, how their meat is transported and how it is stored.

The Gakenke Modern Library is one of the largest libraries in Rwanda.  This farm, which was completed in 2017, costs over 600 million Rwandan francs, and has the capacity to slaughter more than 600 cows per day. In the campaign organized by the USAID Orora Wihaze Project in collaboration with the RICA Institute,  Livestock breeders, […]

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