Gakenke: The model village that is being built will remove people from places that could put their lives in danger

A model village known as Kagano IDP Model Village is being built in Muzo Sector in Gakenke District, which will house between 300 and 400 families, including those who were living in slums, damaged by disasters and others that need immediate assistance.  It is expected that by the end of the year some of those […]

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Burera: ‘Access to Health’ launched a Compaign to prevent new HIV infections among school-age youth.

While the figures of the National Institute of Health, RBC show that new infections of the AIDS virus continue to increase, currently in Burera District a campaign was made to prevent new infections of the AIDS virus among young people studying at the ENP/TTC KIRAMBO,GS CYAPA,GS RUGALI and GS GS JEAN DE LA MENAIS KIRAMBO. […]

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