The Ben’s wedding featured plenty of celebrities dressed up but not including his brother Green P {Photos}

The Ben’s Wedding Introduction and Dowry Ceremony was attended by many famous celebrities and many were surprised not to see his brother RUKUNDO Elie who is known as Green P from the Tuff Gangs. The marriage ceremony of Uwicieza Pamela took place in the garden called Jalia located in Gasabo District in Rusororo Sector, The […]

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Operation : The hatred is coming like that of a cat and a mouse, Confusion for Rwandans who love them and wonder which Side to go on.

Nyarwaya Innocent, who is known in the media as Yago and in Rwandan music As “PonDat”, said that in the coming days, once they have tested the DNA of Kayitesi Yvonne’s child, known as Brenda aka Zecky B, who claims that they slept with her and impregnated her, she denies it, and they find that […]

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After the great experience they got from the CAF 2023 event in Marrakech, Morocco Ghetto Kids returned to Rwanda to give lessons.

After the great experience they got from the CAF 2023 event in Marrakech, Morocco Ghetto Kids returned to Rwanda to give lessons in “TEDx KIGALI COUNTDOWN EVENT” in Kigali Convention Center. TED is an event that brings together the world’s leading thinkers and doers to share ideas that matter in any discipline technology, entertainment, design, […]

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