In case students miss going to their families for the Christmas holidays, reasonable arrangements have been made for their return home by cars.

Based on the timetable and holiday period for students published by the Ministry of Education, the National Agency for Inspection and Education (NESA), informs school administrators, teachers and parents that Boarding students will start returning home during the break, from the 19th to the 22nd of December 2023. The travel schedule for these students is […]

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There are around 34 graduates with pregnancy and some already gave birth in UR-Huye Campus.

UR-Huye Campus is one the most Universities that is said to be having a big number Pregnant graduates and some among them already gave birth without finishing their courses and the number still increases accordingly. Theresie NYIRAHABIMANA responsible for the Students Welfares in UR-Huye, Said that the Students they have that are pregnant and those […]

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