Burundi blamed the killing of the Mulenges

Feature News Justice Politics

The Burundian military has condemned the accusations of the Mulenge group [Twirwaneho], accusing it of participating in the attacks on the Mulenge people in Uvira, in South Kivu, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Mulenge group of Twirwaneho, on March 6, 2024, issued a statement saying that the attacks that took place on March 2 and 6, 2024, in Uvira in South Kivu, destroyed the buildings, which were involved by the Burundian army.

The spokesperson of the Burundi Armed Forces Br. Gen Gaspard Baratuza, in a statement dated March 7, 2024, strongly condemned the allegations, insisting that the Burundian army went to Congo to restore peace.

He said, “The Burundian military service reminded that the Burundian soldiers were sent to Eastern Congo for the purpose of restoring peace and security and that they are using the knowledge, skills and rules of the military profession that the country sent them to, respecting the rights of the Congolese. it is a human being. Those soldiers can’t do anything that violates this right.”
Brig Gen Baratuza says that “The Burundian army has categorically condemned the baseless lies mentioned in the announcement accusing the Burundian army of being involved in genocide. These lies have no other purpose than to leave a bad image for the Burundian army. .”

The spokesman of the Burundian military said that Burundi does not expect to stop going to restore peace in any place where it will be called to help.

In addition to the Twirwaneh group, which is made up of Congolese-speaking people from the Tutsi tribe, the M23 group also accuses the Burundian army of collaborating with the Congolese government to participate in the killing of the people, especially those of the tribe. Tutsis.

Burundi has sent troops to the East of the Congo with the agreement of the Congolese government and this country.
It’s a deal that some Congolese say was made in strict secrecy, with some demanding that the government explain it to them.
After that, those who were sent to the East African Community, the Congolese asked to return to the countries they came from because they did not fight against their enemy, the M23.