A well-known minister of God in Rwanda accused of fraud was brought to court

Feature News Justice Religious Rwanda

The prosecution requested that Harelimana Joseph, known as Apotre Yongwe, be convicted of the crime of fraud, and be sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 5 million Frw.

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, Apostle Yongwe attended the Gasabo District Court located in Kibagabaga, to face the charges against him.
This man of God is popular on social media like YouTube, because of the talks he started; He is being prosecuted for money-related crimes, threatening Christians to pray for those who promise miracles from God.

The car that brought this servant of God together with other prisoners, arrived at the seat of the Gasabo High Court, in an hour or more.

There were many people at the court, including members of Yongwe’s family, as well as journalists mainly from YouTube channels, who had come to cover the news of the case of this servant of God followed by many.

Apotre Yongwe, who was dressed in the clothes of unconvicted prisoners, rose, he was wearing black low shoes, while he was walking towards the court room, some of his family members wanted to greet him, but the jailers stopped them.

The man, who was arrested in early October 2023, was tried for temporary detention by the General Court of Gasabo, which ordered him to be imprisoned for 30 days.
It is a decision that he appealed to the High Court of Gasabo, where he said that the decision to imprison him was ignored, including the fact that the money he is accused of stealing from people by fraud, ignored the fact that it was a donation and that no one pressured him to give it to him.

In this Tuesday’s hearing, the Prosecution was given time to explain its accusations against the accused, returning to the miracles he promised people and build money so that they would see them, but they looked at them and their eyes went up in the sky.

It also said that Apostle Yongwe appeared in various videos, admitting that he is supported by the money given by people, asking them to send him more so that the worshipers can get what they wanted.

The prosecution said that the defendant threatened people with that money knowing full well that what he promised was impossible, so he should be convicted of the crime of taking something from someone else by means of fraud.

The prosecution asked the defendant to be convicted, asking the Court to sentence him to three years in prison and to pay a fine of 5 million Frw, as well as to return the money he received from different people who charged him.