Former DRC President Joseph Kabila Is Rumored To Flee The Country

Feature News Politics

Joseph Kabila, who was the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2001 to 2019, is said to have fled the DRC after evidence was found that he was directly involved in the ongoing war in the East of the country.

The news of his escape was announced by the Secretary General of the ruling party in DRC called UDPS named Augustin Kabuya.

He fled the country secretly.

Kabuya said: “While I am speaking here, Joseph Kabila fled the country, he is no longer here. There is no trace of his whereabouts to the immigration authorities. He went undercover because he is behind the stone war in the East of the country. What I already knew”.
The newspaper 7sur7 reports that the Alliance Fleuve Congo party of the opposition to the Kinshasa regime, including M23 and Corneille Nangaa, was aware of Joseph Kabila’s escape.