Gisagara: A civilian was injured by a grenade.

Feature News Health

The Chief Commissioner of the Tax and Peace Agency (RRA), Pascal Bizimana Ruganintwali, indicated that more than 50 thousand people, who have tax debts, are requesting to approach this agency and talk about how to pay more so that they can get rid of the fines from this is mutual.

The spokesperson of the Southern Province Police, SP Emmanuel Habiyaremye confirmed this information saying that this Harintwari tried to commit suicide on Saturday, March 23, 2024 due to a dispute with his wife based on property.

He said, “Harindintwari lives with his wife in a conflict arising from misuse of property”, SP Habiyaremye says that the grenade that exploded was hidden under their uninhabited house.”The investigation is still ongoing to find out if he has any other weapons,” he said.

One of the neighbors of Harindintwari François who did not want his name to be revealed, said that this man was a former member of the FDLR group based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, he will return to Rwanda in 1998 and be restored to normal life.

“He was even jailed for a while because his children took grenades from his house and sold them to scrap metal dealers,” he said, Now Harintwari was taken to Gakoma Hospital for medical treatment.

The spokesperson of the Southern Province Police is giving a message to the public that they should go and give information where they suspect someone is in possession of a weapon illegally because it is illegal.

He said, “It is forbidden for people to have weapons at home, people must inform the Police if they suspect that someone has weapons in their home.

SP Habiyaremye says that once the man is treated and recovered, he should be prosecuted under the law for illegal possession of weapons.