The State of Congo filed a complaint in the EAC court against Rwanda.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo filed a complaint in the East African Court of Justice (EACJ), saying that Rwanda is violating the sovereignty of this country by waging war and violating human rights.

The complaint was submitted by Congo to the EACJ in September 2023, but other articles were added in this year 2024 accusing Rwanda of supporting the war and encroaching on the country’s territory.

The Congolese government has often accused Rwanda of being involved in the insecurity in the east of the country, but Rwanda flatly denies that they have anything to do with it, asking the DRC to solve their problems because they are responsible for them instead of playing for them.

Currently, the security situation is very bad due to the war between the government forces, FARDC, armed groups including FDLR, Wazalendo, Mercenaries and M23.

The complaint they filed contains the words that “Over the past 25 years, Rwanda has repeatedly encroached on the sovereignty of the DRC, the country’s territory and interfered in the country’s constitution.

This document shows the acts of violence that are said to have been attributed to the RDC but which happened when this country was in conflict with Rwanda in different periods of the last 25 years.

“The State and the District organizations have made efforts to bring both parties together to put an end to this issue. This includes the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region and East Africa chaired by Uhuru Kenyatta who was appointed as the peace envoy of the African Union and the EAC coordinator.

The East African writes that the RDC has expressed that it does not want Rwanda to continue encroaching on its territory and that it will withdraw its troops, which the country says are still on the ground.

The complaint filed by the Minister of Justice of the RDC, Mutombo Kiese Rose states that “Rwanda’s actions to undermine the sovereignty of the territory of the RDC through the deployment of RDF forces violate the EAC agreement.”

He said, “We testify that Rwanda’s material and financial support to M23 has led to the violation of human rights, which also violates the EAC agreement.” Rwanda has repeatedly denied all the accusations against the RDC, showing that this country cooperates with the terrorist group FDLR in activities that include attacks on Rwanda.

The FDLR, together with the FARDC, bombed Rwanda at different times in 2022, injuring the population and causing a lot of damage.