Platini revealed what made him stick to music after the breakup of Dream Boys.

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Platini revealed that when the band Dream Boys broke up in 2020, he thought about giving up music and going into the limelight, but he stuck with it because his first hit singles inspired him to start his own journey.

Platini responded to this in an interview with IGIHE, He said that when TMC told him that he was going to continue his studies, he felt that the world was calling him to leave music and go into business.

He said, “I’m not saying that I stopped playing music, but I stopped putting effort into it because I had started renting a car and then music for fun.”

This artist says that the thing that brought him back to music was the first songs he worked on that were well received, which made him realize that he has a lot of work in music, and he decided to continue it even if he was left alone.

After three years, determined to continue music alone, Platini is going to do his first show called ‘Baba Experience’ where he will be in front of his fans and enjoy his journey and the one he started in Dream Boys where he spent more than 10 years.

The concert will be held at Camp Kigali on March 30, 2024, where admission is 5,000 Frw for regular seats, 10,000 Frw for seats of honor and 200,000 Frw for eight people who want to sit in the seats of honor.

The show is expected to feature artists including Riderman, Butera Knowless, Nel Ngabo, Kenny Sol, Big Fizzo and Eddy Kenzo.