Reasons why young children refuse to eat

Feature News Health

Young children who are just beginning to receive support often start to refuse to eat due to the mistakes their parents have made when introducing them to solid foods and also taking them away when they are not closely monitored.

Here are some of the reasons a child may refuse to eat

Starting to give the child help before and after the time: Starting to give the child help before the fourth water and giving it to him after six months affects the child because it makes him refuse to eat.

When it’s given to him first he often can’t stand it and it scares him. If you give it to him too late, sometimes he will reject it because his thoughts would have wanted to eat or at least discover it.

Not getting food on time; in these days where many parents have left their children, workers may refuse to eat because they go looking for food and do not find it when they are looking for it.

Feeding the child by telling him wrongly or by forcing him: this makes the child feel that eating is a bad thing and makes him feel scared during the mealtime. So when you give him food and he refuses, leave it for a while and then give it to him again after he eats a little bit and don’t argue with him or even scold him.

Do not introduce me to bitter things; being a child who starts to eat would introduce him to things that protect his tongue and feel very different from friends can also make him not like to eat. but also avoid giving him things that are too sweet because if he gets used to them you will give him other things to dislike. so it’s best to start him on a diet that doesn’t contain sugar, vegetables, or anything else that isn’t too sweet.

Finding more tricks to get him to eat: Rewarding the child for eating or praising him by saying nice words like (bravo, you are a good child because you are eating) or walking around the house distracting him to eat is not good. Although in the first days it distracts him and he eats, he gets used to it and requires you to always make up tricks or he gets to the point where he discovers himself and refuses to eat when he is sad or angry (caprice). So it’s good to train him early to sit down and eat, eat well and don’t take it as a miracle, take it as normal.

Illness: When a child is sick, it can also cause him to refuse to eat, but when he does this, he was already eating because there are changes in his body. It was only when the child got sick from snakes because of the dirt that they stopped him from eating.

What a parent should do when their child refuses to eat:
You need to find out what causes him to hate food because it often stems from the fact that you are not the one who started him to help him know his dislikes and likes.

Once you figure out what’s causing it, you start working on it again. if you feel it’s a normal loss of appetite you can use moringa leaf powder and take a small spoonful and add it to the food or put it in the food that is still on the stove but once it’s hot it will boil once and then remove it

After the baby starts eating, keep track of whether he cries on time, how he is fed, and anything else that might cause him to refuse food again.