Madam Noura bint Mohammed visited the Jenocide Memorial site at Gisozi and paid homage to the many innocents burried there.

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The Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab States (UAE), Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, praised the courage and bravery of Rwandans and said that the history of genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda should be a lesson for other countries.

This is the message of Madam Noura bint Mohammed who is on a visit to Rwanda, she returned there on Thursday 08 March 2024, when she visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial on Gisozi.

Mrs. Noura Bint Mohamed first presented the components of this memorial and explained in detail the reasons, truth and consequences of the Genocide and the extraordinary journey of how Rwanda has rebuilt itself.

After being explained a lot and seeing the memorial, Mrs. Noura Bint Mohamed said that the history of Genocide against the Tutsi should be a lesson for the rest of the world and she appreciated the courage and bravery that characterized Rwandans in this 30-year journey of rebuilding.

He said: “Thank you for being brave and brave. This is a dark part of human history. History we all have to learn from. All my prayers are for those who lost their lives and I hope that we will continue to pray for them and that this incident will not happen again.”

Madam Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, has been in Rwanda since Thursday March 07, 2024, where she was received by Minister Vincent Biruta, and also chaired the first meeting of the joint committee for cooperation between the two countries. The meeting left both parties signing a partnership agreement for the development of education.

In addition to the signed agreement, the two countries regularly cooperate in various fields including trade and investment, hotel development, security and various other areas.

After the meeting, Noura Bint Mohamed was received in the evening by President Paul Kagame in Urugwiro Village, where they discussed the development of cooperation between the two countries.