The Prime Minister of Haiti has fled the country

Feature News Justice Politics

Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry fled to Puerto Rico after a coalition of armed groups tried to seize the main airport to prevent him from returning to the country, forcing him to leave.

Ariel Henry left Haiti last week for a regional conference in Guyana.
He continued on to Nairobi, Kenya, where he signed an agreement to send police to Haiti.
Sources say that this official went to New Jersey in the United States of America, while on Monday Joe Biden’s office tried to mislead the public that Henry had arrived in Port-au-Prince in Haiti.

On Tuesday, when he returned to the country, it was not easy because at the main airport there was a heavy firefight between the armed groups and the security forces, which lasted for a long time.
Haitian newspapers say that Mr. Henry fled to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Jimmy Cherzier known as Barbecue, head of a group of armed bandits, recently asked the Prime Minister to resign, saying that if he does not do so, the country will go into an internal war that could lead to Genocide.
Barbecue, a former policeman, led a union that recently attacked police stations and prisons that housed more than 4,000 prisoners.

Ariel Henry was sworn in, not elected, after President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in 2021 by mercenaries from Colombia.
In the political agreement that existed, Henry was supposed to organize an election and relinquish power on February 7, but it did not happen.
It sparked protests as thousands of people took to the streets to call on his government to honor the deal.
Armed groups dominated by gangs currently control 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince.