Rwanda Asks the African Union Not to Support SADC in the DRC Crisis

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, in the voice of the Government of Rwanda, is asking the African Union Authority to abandon its decision to support the SADC troops sent to DRC because what they have done will further fuel the fire.

This article and others are included in the announcement signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Vincent Biruta, confirm that the soldiers who are members of the SADC group called SAMIDCR will not make the East of DRC safe and that they are helping the coalition of the DRC forces that includes the FDLR and Wazalendo which is determined to destroy the Tutsis in that country who speak Rwandan.

Rwanda’s foreign affairs department says that the fact that there is a meeting called by the African Union on March 4, 2024 to discuss funding for SAMIDRC and Rwanda is excluded from it, is inappropriate.

The purpose of the meeting is to learn how these forces will be supported and officially accepted by this Organization that what they are going to do will be accepted and will be supported.
Rwanda says that although it was not invited, those in the meeting should consider what it wants to learn because of its importance.

It says that the sending of SADC soldiers to that country to replace the EAC was done badly, that it was not appropriate.

It was not appropriate because these forces came to the East of DRC to fight M23 and not only caused insecurity, especially because they are made up of ordinary people who belong to this country.

The fact that these soldiers are fighting on the side of the DRC army and are already working with the FDLR and Wazalendo is a matter that Rwanda says is worrying because both the FDLR and WAZALENDO have the intention of killing the Rwandan speakers.

It is added that the administration of DRC and Burundi has already announced that they have a plan to attack Rwanda and remove the government.

In the announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, the fact that the SADC soldiers who are part of SAMIDRC were brought to fight an open war, will interfere with the implementation of the agreement that was signed in Luanda in Angola and Nairobi in Kenya.

In the paragraphs of this declaration, it is written that the African Union should take into account that the FDLR is responsible for the people who committed the genocide in Rwanda.

After a while they arrived in Eastern DRC and started persecuting and killing the Rwandan speaking Tutsis in that country.

At that time in 1994 DRC was called Zaire.

Rwanda reminds the United Africa that in 2013 when the SADC troops went to the DRC, they only attacked the M23 at that time and the FDLR was breaking things.

The fact that the leaders of Burundi and the DRC have announced that they want to remove the government of Rwanda has given them a reason to always take seriously what is happening in the East of the DRC and that this is justified because there are militant groups on the territory of these countries.

For all the reasons mentioned above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda asks the United African Republic to avoid the mistake of helping SAMIDRC because it will further fuel the fire in Eastern DRC.

It advises the Peace Council of this Organization to send local people to see the situation in the District so that a decision is made based on the information obtained from the scene.