M23 warned MONUSCO Army for Caring about the FDLR wounded soldiers.

Feature News International Politics

The M23 group attacked the troops of the peacekeeping mission of the United Nations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, MONUSCO, after the FDLR group was not injured.

M23 spokesman, Lawrence Kanyuka, announced that MONUSCO troops continue to fight against the FDLR under the guise of the Congolese army, FARDC, which is against the organization’s mandate, On February 25, 2024, the Congolese State forces, FDLR, the South African Union, Burundian forces and mercenaries attacked the M23 base in the Nyenyeri area of ​​Masisi territory.

They wanted to open the Bweramana-Shasha-Sake road which is in the hands of the M23 a few kilometers towards the city of Goma, The fighting resulted in the death of many soldiers on the government side and some were injured, and M23 accused MONUSCO of helping, including members of the FDLR.

Lawrence Kanyuka, who speaks for M23, said: “This material support that MONUSCO continues to give to FARDC, on the part of FDLR, rebels, other armed groups, the Burundian army and SADC is not deviating from MONUSCO’s responsibility, it is contrary to the line of the UN and which makes MONUSCO considered neutral in this war.”

M23 revealed that there are 31 wounded including FARDC and FDLR who were taken by a MONUSCO helicopter and taken to a hospital in Bukavu, South Kivu province on February 27 for treatment, He took it from the Numbi clinic in Kalehe territory.

There were 13 other wounded who were waiting to be transported by MONUSCO helicopter including Habyarimana Jackson, Eliya Samson and Rafiki Nteziryayo all of FDLR, The armed group also announced that there are 40 other seriously wounded FARDC and FDLR who were transported by water, from Minova, to Bukavu.

After the defeat, one of the top FARDC soldiers leading the battle in eastern DRC, Général Major Janvier Mayanga, led a meeting with FDLR fighters at Hôtel Smath, discussing how to treat the wounded. It was decided to use the MONUSCO helicopter.

Monusco and the Congolese army have long been accused of working with the FDLR, a group dominated by those who committed the genocide in Rwanda and are accused of crimes in Eastern Congo.