Rwanda Is Going To Establish A Court To Hear The Issues Of Refugees And Migrants

Feature News Justice Politics

The government of Rwanda is going to set up a court to hear the complaints of immigrants and refugees who will be in Rwanda.

It is a court that will have a Rwandan chief judge who will collaborate with his counterpart from the Commonwealth of English-speaking countries.

Its other judges will come from different countries, and they must have sufficient knowledge about refugees and human rights.

Clémentine Mukeka, who is currently the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, says that the court that starts working will have the responsibility to take care of the problems of all the above, regardless of whether they are from England.
“We do not want to treat refugees from the UK any differently than those from elsewhere. It will be done in this way to avoid that there are those who are not from here and there.”

It is what he calls the rejection of “traitement de faveur”.

Deputy President of the Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Security Commission Alice Muzana says that what has been done gives confidence that the agreement will be implemented.

They are 100% confident.

Muzana says that as a Member of Parliament there is another advantage that they understand the situation of this problem so that it will be easier to explain it to the people.

Minister of Justice and State Envoy Dr. Emmanuel Ugirashebuja says that since Rwanda signed the agreement with its British partners, it has followed all its contents.

He says that what the critics of this agreement had said, that the Rwandan courts did not reverse the decisions of the Asylum Review Commission, it became clear that their doubts were unfounded.

This is said to have changed after the High Court of Nyanza overturned the decision that had been taken to grant citizenship to the person who had died.

For Ugirashebuja, this shows that there are courts that are reversing what the executive body (L’Exécutif) has approved.

He says that the agreement Rwanda has with the UK is not in any way contrary to the others it has signed with other countries or that it is different from the international laws it has signed and it has followed all of them as it happened.

Another thing is to have no excuses.