The United States acknowledges that the FDLR is a problem to Rwanda’s security

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After the Office of the US Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs announced that the FLDR is a militant group and not a terrorist group, and Rwanda denied it, the US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood said that the FDLR is a problem for the security of Rwanda.

The fact that it is a problem for Rwanda’s security is something that has been talked about for days.

Antony Blinken’s office recently announced that the FDLR is a militant group, but the announcement did not say that it is a terrorist group.

Rwanda did not take long to issue a statement saying that the United States should stand up and say if it has changed its language on the FDLR to make it clear.
On Tuesday, February 21, 2024, this issue was returned to the Council of the World Peace Organization that met at the UN.

Before the United Nations Security Council, the Ambassador of Rwanda to this organization, Ernest Rwamucyo, expressed that the wars taking place in the DRC have roots that should be eradicated, in order to find a lasting solution.

Rwamucyo said: “Arming the genocidal group of FDLR, the so-called Mai Mai, mercenaries and Wazalendo to fight the Kinyarwanda speakers does not solve the root cause of this problem but is like adding fuel to the fire.”

Amb. Rwamucyo says protecting the rights of Kinyarwanda speakers and others is the responsibility of the administration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.