President Ramaphosa, Tshisekedi and Ndayishimiye met to discuss how to better work together in the fight against M23.

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Ndayimiye recently told the Burundians that it is important to work with the DRC because their enemy is the same.

Later, he went to visit Felix Tshisekedi to discuss how to improve cooperation and at that time he told the students of the University of the DRC that he wanted the central government of Rwanda to be removed.

He said that he would do this with the help of the Rwandan youth because they are oppressed.
But the youth of Rwanda deny this, and say that their goal is to work and progress.

Cyril Ramaphosa leads the country with the largest number of SADC troops recently deployed to the DRC to combat M23.

He recently confirmed that there are 2,900 soldiers he wants to send to join the DRC as a member of the SADC in defeating the M23.

There is no information about what the heads of state discussed, but based on the normal interaction between their countries, you can safely confirm that they discussed how to increase the war they have been in for a long time with M23.