Those who make a mess risk their lives

Feature News Health

How to be organized and organized is directly related to being calm and unperturbed.

Experts have found that people who put their things online are more likely to be stress-free if they want to be and find that they are people who do their work online with ease.

Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, agrees.

He said: “You will feel less tired if the things you do are in line. You will know how to follow your schedule, which will prevent you from unnecessary fatigue in the office and will make you sleep better.”
Because of the problems in the world today, many people are in the middle of knowing what to do first, what to do next and what to finish.

Often it’s because they don’t have a pen and paper to sort things out in order of importance.

Another common problem is that people living in rich countries, who have a lot of money, tend to buy things that they don’t really need.

They don’t need it because they have found other things that are as useful as what they are going to buy, or they buy what they think is cheap and it will kill them.

That’s why sometimes there are more than one pair of shoes that are similar, strong and different in price.

In addition to costing money, it allows the owner to accumulate a lot of things without putting them in a line so that he can immediately find what he wants whenever he wants without having to throw everything away.
In order to avoid ‘that trap’ it is important to know how to put things in order.

Procrastination is a mental health problem because scientists have found that people who procrastinate are constantly criticizing themselves, feeling that life is bad because they are always tired and have no plan in life.

Being in a cluttered place makes the brain tired, they don’t think quickly, it makes people eat and eat what they see around them and it is often unclean… all this leads to a person being angry and violent.

Another scientist from Canada’s McGill University, Montreal, named Daniel Levitin, says that being in a chaotic environment increases the hormone cortisol, which makes people angry.
I believe that this yeast can also make people constantly angry and always ‘in love’ with the heart forever.

A Journal of Environmental Psychology states that people who live in chaotic areas are always lonely and their children are at risk of danger caused by their surroundings, which include potholes, metal traps, toxic chemicals, etc.

Prof. Natalie Christine Dattilo says that all of this mainly depends on how a person is in his head.

This scholar seems to want to say that the chaos of the mind is the profit of the body and the gates of the house.

Chaos is also bad for people who have heavy responsibilities that include making decisions for others.

Managers should work in a systematic way to find out where certain files are located, without having to dig through multiple folders.

Professor Lavitin says that people who work in chaos think that they are productive, but if you go and measure it, you will lose it!
Because of lack of planning, what they do they do it in parts, and you find that it is like a child biting a potato, or a potato, putting it on the ground, and then eating it.

He’s supposed to be full but in reality there’s nothing you can tell he’s eaten and finished enough to give him a grade.

People also lose money and friends in the chaos.

Many have had conflicts with their employers because they were delayed in finding the tie they thought they were going to put in the suit because they didn’t remember exactly where it was.

Experts say that adults waste 5% of their time looking for something they shared but can’t remember where they put it.

Of course, they lose their time depending on when they find what they are looking for or when they forget what they want.

The expert said: “You will take the amount of your salary if 5% of the time you waste looking for something that you should have had around you, you will see a monthly loss.”