The testimony of Miss Nishimwe Naomie who is on the way to get married would also help you

ENTERTAINMENT Feature News Religious

He said that at first he did not like the word of God, the Bible, even though he knew all the songs that were sung in the church. His testimony includes a message to love it more because he loves it too, instead of seeing it as boring for the time it lasts.

He said: “At first I did not like the word of God. My mother would take us to pray at night, she would pray while we were all asleep, and we would fall asleep. Then he would say Amen, and we would all say Amen and go to bed.”

“He took me to the church and they spoke the word of God, … I used to sing, all the songs I knew, and sing, then the word of God came in, and I felt things that I did not understand. Then I spent many hours saying that this is not possible.”

“But as soon as I came here to the Woman Foundation, I don’t know, the Apostle went forward and was teaching, and when I sang, the Apostle was teaching and I understood how the word of God is good, it is understandable, the things he said are things we always go through every day. I mean, you know what, I’ll be here every day.”

“Father, love God and listen to what your parents tell you, it’s often not easy but try, … the Apostle is the one who likes to tell us to come here even if you hate it, but you were found. There will be a time when God will touch you like this, and it will be your day.”

As Miss Nishimwe Naomie said in her testimony, apart from the word of God she did not like, even being baptized by immersion in water she felt was incomprehensible. It took her mother helping her to become a Christian at the Women’s Foundation church and being around her to make her feel that baptism was okay.

As soon as he was baptized he said: “I thank God that I was baptized today. To be baptized, many think it’s a simple thing, but I think it’s a very serious thing. I’m afraid of water. We came to study, and they told us how they will put us in the water to protect us, and I told my father that I want to be baptized, but going into the water is something that makes no sense.”

Miss Nishimwe Naomie was baptized with her father, aunt and four siblings who live in the MacKenzies group, and her mother was the one who helped them achieve it. It is on Sunday, March 27, 2022.

Soon she will marry Michael Tesfay from Ethiopia, but he lives in Rwanda for work reasons. They confirmed this on January 1, 2024, when they put on their wedding rings, officially showing everyone that they are ready to be together.