Rwanda: A woman who was once a beggar is now living in wealth

Business Feature News

Ahishashe Rebecca is a mother of three children and a widow who was widowed in 1998, leaving the eldest child at the age of five and the youngest at the age of two months. Leaving the children alone at a very young age was a great challenge for this young woman as she was only 26 years old.

Ahishashe says that as soon as her husband died, she lived in extreme poverty because she was used to being the one who paid for her, and she came to submit to the way of begging others to break the times or secrets as they often call it, where she was earning 300 reais a day from morning to Saturday morning. .

He says, “I raised money from nowhere, I never begged people to support the children, I was very broken, thinking that the children would have something to eat, because I was left alone with no one to help me, I wanted what the children ate and their school fees until 2017, I raised money.”

In the year 2017, this mother says that she stopped farming for others because she had been selected to do manual labor in VUP because she lived in the 2nd category of poverty.
This is where his development began and after one year he moved from the second grade to the 3rd grade.
He says, “In VUP they paid us 1200 per day and they paid us for 15 days. That’s when I made a lot of money. I started raising goats that I love and they breed the next day and sell them. I bought plans to build a house. They gave us mango seeds for free where we were working on the road. They gave me mangoes and fruits and I planted them. I’m starting to improve”
Ahishashe says that in 2019 he started taking loans from VUP and asked for 1000 thousand to grow onions as his project was also successful because he took out 400 thousand and started to grow nuts.
It was also the catalyst for the development he has achieved today as a fruit farmer.
He said, “I started to grow different fruits, oranges, mangoes and nuts, which grow very well and I started to save in groups, until in 2020 I bought 260 thousand cows, including 230 farms, and I built another beautiful house so that my children can come and visit them. welcome them”
Ashishe Rebecca is currently working to bring clean water to her home and electricity. He currently has 2 modern cows in his home, all three of his children have been able to go to high school thanks to the money he earned from farming.

Apart from his eldest son who was blessed by the State, he is now a university graduate.
Even though he lives in the countryside, there is no wood burning because now he burns on gas. His fruit farming was expanded after he bought another million farm, the same money he got from the seeds last year during his stay at home, and now he is planting watermelon. .

This progress he achieved from afar also made the people trust him and in the last elections they elected him to be the head of Mwali village, located in Musamo cell in Ruhango sector where he lives; In addition to this, he is now a member of the agricultural council that advises others, including those he used to farm.