What you should know about “Zoophilia”, a disease that causes people to sexually abuse Animals.

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You may have heard different stories in Rwanda and abroad, about people who were sexually abused by animals such as goats, sheep or cows, wondering where someone got those thoughts of wanting to sexually abuse animals.

On September 26, 2021, Umurava.com reported the story of a man from Rwamagana District who was arrested by RIB at Kigabiro Station, suspected of molesting a goat that had been poisoned by his partner. In order to find out what scientists say about this topic, Umurava.com used various research documents, which talk about this topic, since it is a mental illness called ‘Zoophilia’ or ‘Bestiality’.

It is caused by the fact that a person is suffering from psychological problems caused by the trauma of his experiences such as being subjected to sexual violence, and having an illness that prevents him from having sex with people. The Guardian newspaper in 2017 published a story that shows how there is a huge gap in researching this disease, so that it is difficult to know the real percentage of the world’s population with Zoophilia, although there are stories of those caught sexually abusing animals.

This is also considered a criminal offense in various countries.

In that story, using the example of a man who had two children with a woman who was researched in 2009, he testified about how before marrying the woman, he already had strange thoughts of having sex with a horse, and even molested them.

The man said, ”When I got married, I tried to be a good person for about a year without trying to have sex with a horse. After that, I couldn’t hide it at all so the thoughts I had about the horse overpowered me, while the relationship with my wife was dying.”

“I tried to be a normal man, but having sex with someone is characteristic. I tried to convince myself that my wife is a horse, but after a while it didn’t work anymore.” In 2016, the BBC reported the story of Cyprian Okoro, a 55-year-old doctor from South West London, who was convicted of watching scandalous videos of people sexually abusing animals.

Among the images are a man who fornicates with a snake, a woman who fornicates with a dog, and a woman who fornicates with a horse. The American Institute for Health, the National Institute for Health, conducted a survey of people in different countries who use social media, in an attempt to understand what is behind having thoughts of having sex with animals.

During the research, the respondents were asked questions in four categories, including their lifestyle in having sex, their understanding of the topic of having sex with animals, what they think about what is said on social media about this topic, and about their personal lives.

A study released in 2019 showed that those who have sexual thoughts are there but they try to hide it, because they are ashamed of not being accepted in the wider family and fear of punishment because this act is considered a crime punishable by law in some countries.

They also expressed that they want sex with animals to be removed from the list of mental illnesses, because they consider it as their form of love as a person loves another person and reaches the level of marriage as a man and a woman.

Those who were surveyed also showed that even in the use of social media, they look at their friends who share the same views as theirs, which shows that they have the same thoughts about having sex, they form groups or become friends in order to feel that they are not alone because there are those who share the same thoughts.

Zoophilia is a mental illness that makes people want to have sex with animals (Zoophilia). and corpses etc. (paraphilias) A person who feels strange thoughts about having sex with animals, is advised to go to a specialist in psychological counseling and be helped by the information of the animal that made him feel that way.