President Kagame and Madam were welcomed to the table by Senator Bill Nelson.

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President Paul Kagame and Mrs. Jeannette Kagame were in Washington DC in the United States of America, and attended a dinner organized by Senator Bill Nelson and his wife Grace Cavert, who are friends of Rwanda.

This dinner ceremony, which took place on the afternoon of Thursday 01 February 2-24, after participating in the annual prayer for the country, the National Prayer Breakfast, President Kagame is one of those who were invited to these prayers, and he was also among those who had to speak to about 3500 participants, including members of the Parliament of the United States of America, members of the Government, representatives of their countries and organizations of the United Nations.

Washington DC, and various investors, In his speech, President Kagame emphasized the importance of unity and reconciliation, especially based on what Rwanda has achieved thanks to the unity chosen by Rwandans Rwandans chose, he gave an example using the Bible, returning to the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers.

The Head of the Nation pointed out that even though reconciliation is painful due to what people have been through, it is an important act and requires humility, like what Joseph did, but it also goes with the fact that people must be confident and humble. This is where he used the story of Joseph and said, “Joseph, as you remember, was sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers.

But he became a great man in Egyptian society, because of his integrity. Because of this, he later found himself instead of saving Israel and his brothers who were in danger of famine.” President Kagame emphasized that unity and reconciliation are part of Rwanda’s daily journey, Senator Clarence William Nelson II, 81 years old, who is currently a member of the Democratic Party, is one of the leaders of the United States of America who often pointed out that the history of the Genocide against the Tutsis in 1994 should be studied by the international community.

In 2018, when he was campaigning in Florida, he compared the political climate in the United States to the racial discrimination that preceded the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis, He said that the Genocide committed against the Tutsi killed more than a million people in just 100 days, which should be a lesson to the Americans.

President Kagame also met with Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, where they discussed the various levels of cooperation between Rwanda and the State of Qatar.