RDC: More than 700 young people are going to fight with M23

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In Congo, 786 young people including 26 girls from Rutshuru and Masisi, in South Kivu, joined the army to fight against M23.

The spokesman of the Sokola 1 operation, Capt Anthony Muwalushayi, says that “M23 continues to be supported by Rwanda, so in the areas where M23 is involved, 786 young people, including 26 girls, have decided to join the Congolese army.”

Capt. Anthony Muwalushayi added that “These young men who love their country refused to cooperate with the M2 attackers, they are all determined to serve the country, under the national flag, to avenge their parents, brothers and sisters who were killed.”

Colonel Faustin Ndakala, who is in charge of recruitment activities in Ruguru Kivu, at the Chicko Tshitambwe military base 12 kilometers from the West of Beni city, said that the young volunteers are expected to meet at the Rwindi site in the Territory. of Rutshuru.

After the recruitment and presentation process, the United Nations, Monussco and UNICEF conducted an inspection to prevent the recruitment of children into the military.

Since 2023, more than 40,000 young people have joined the army after being encouraged by Congolese President Tshisekedi, who wants to defeat his enemy, M23.

This action took place while fighting between the M23 and the FARDC continues to disrupt the situation in Eastern Congo.