America Is Studying Whether To Start War On Iran

Feature News Politics

Joe Biden’s administration is in the midst of deciding whether to launch a war against Iran and increase his chances of re-election, or leave it because of the consequences, but he could lose the election.

All this comes after militants allegedly supported by Iran opened fire in Jordan, killing three US soldiers and wounding 25 others.

It is an attack in the North that puts East Jordan near the border with Syria.

A statement from Biden’s office and his signature said that ‘although the United States is still gathering information about this attack, it is certain that it was carried out by an Iranian-backed group operating in Iraq and Syria’.

Joe Biden said that the United States will retaliate when and how it sees fit.

The group in Iraq but supported by Iran, called The Islamic Resistance, is the one responsible for this attack because it had recently said that there are three US military bases that will be attacked in the near future.

The Kingdom of Jordan condemned the attack, calling it illegal because it was carried out on its territory.

Al Jazeera reports that it is the first time that US soldiers have been killed since Israel launched a war against Hamas shortly after an attack by Hamas militants on October 7, 2023.

The killing of US soldiers has raised the specter of a US war on Iran.

And this seems to be what the Tehran regime wants.

On the other hand, the foreign affairs of the United States recently toured many countries in the Middle East to discuss how to prevent this war.

What would a US-Iran conflict look like? - BBC News

It’s the work of Antony Blinken for the past three weeks.

Even if they want it, on the Iranian side they may want an open war, especially since they continue to give instructions to the groups they support to shoot at the interests of the United States, the United Kingdom and Israel.

Europeans are still worried about Putin’s Russia because the US is not giving Ukraine the weapons and money it needs to be able to effectively fight Putin, putting all of Europe at risk.
In his words, Joe Biden’s administration is under pressure to attack Iran, teaching it a lesson, but also his advisers would ask him to think twice, and look at the consequences of an open war between Washington and Tehran.

When it comes to the end of the war between the United States and Iran, reports say that NATO (the United States-led military alliance) is planning a war against Russia that could happen at any time.

In the military field, America always has one enemy called Russia and in the economic field that enemy is China and China and Russia are close friends.

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