“The government of Rwanda will solve the problem of students studying in Ukraine”. President Kagame.

Feature News Politics

The Government of Rwanda has approved the assistance of students affected by the war in Ukraine, to get school fees in Poland, in order to help them solve the problem of their homework.

President Kagame after a question was raised by one of the students, named Sine Denise, who studied in Ukraine as well as her friends who came to escape the war between that country and Russia, and who are currently studying in Poland, that they are having trouble getting money. to pay school fees because schools in Poland are very expensive, compared to those in Ukraine.

Sine Denise said that when the war started, she felt that her goal of becoming a doctor was over, but good guidance made her dream come true, and she was able to continue studying.

He said, “We are six students, four of us are in the fourth year of medicine, and the others are in the second year. We learn better and succeed. The problem we have is that education here is so expensive that it is three times what we were paying in Ukraine. Dear President of the Republic, we are looking for a grant or a loan, no matter how much it would be to help us.”

The Head of State said that the State will help these students, when he answered Sine, who had raised the issue of school fees, The head of state said, “If there is no problem with the students, the government will solve it without any problem.”

President Kagame asked the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and Health, to solve the problem so that schools will not fail because of lack of capacity.