Japanese experts have already reached the Moon

Feature News Techonology

This Saturday, Japan made a new record, where its spacecraft touched the moon at 12:20 p.m. Rwanda time.

The spacecraft, named SLIM, took off on December 3, 2023, from the Uchinoura Space Center in Kagoshima City, Japan, The SLIM spacecraft, weighing 590 kilograms, landed within 100 meters of its intended landing site, on the North East side of the Moon.

It has two other small robots, SORA-Q, which have walking legs and cameras, which are responsible for traveling around and collecting data, This made Japan the fifth country to land on the moon, after the United States, China, India and the Soviet Union.

However, when this spacecraft reached the Moon, solar power technology would not work well, While this issue is not resolved, the spacecraft will continue to use its batteries, which will be completely off, The Japanese Space Agency, JAXA, announced that it is taking the first data and photos of the spacecraft that landed on the moon and that it has now collected.

It is expected that as long as the spacecraft remains operational, it will spend 14 days a month conducting research related to lunar soil science.