Rwanda to host Timbuktoo Innovation Center

Feature News Rwanda Techonology

Rwanda has agreed to contribute $3 million to the $1 billion fund that will be used to build and empower the African Institute called Timbuktoo, which will promote innovation in technology and other things that develop Africa.

Its headquarters will be located in the Kigali International Financial Center, which is being built in the city of Kigali.

It will work closely with the United Nations Development Program, UNDP.

The construction of Timbuktoo was discussed and approved in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum.

Timbuktoo will start with 1,000 projects from across Africa to be studied and funded.

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President Kagame returned to the importance of these projects by saying: “It is something of great value because it is known that Africa has young people with physical and mental strength that can be the solution to many problems in the world.”

When this project was launched, there was the President of Ghana, Nana Akufo Addo, and the Director of UNDP named Achim Steiner.

Rwanda was able to announce that it will contribute to the establishment of the fund equal to $3 million.

The Timbuktoo project will help innovative companies to grow, stop farming before it grows twice.

President Kagame told other dignitaries that Rwanda is proud to be the host of this project, reminding them that it always welcomes everyone who wants to work for the development of Rwandans in particular and Africans in general.