M23 angrily spoke of its most powerful fighters being killed by the FARDC.

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M23 confirmed that two of its commanders were killed by the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and that this was the message it wanted to give to this group, so it will respond in the same way.

This is after it was reported that two of the main M23 fighters were killed in the fighting that has been going on for days between the group and the FARDC, Among the high-level fighters killed by the FARDC, it is said that there is Colonel Castro Elise Mberabagabo, who is currently in the leadership of M23, where he was in charge of its intelligence.

On the morning of Wednesday, January 17, 2024, M23 released a statement signed by the leader of the group, Lawrence Kanyuka, about the killing of its commandos, This announcement says that the government of Kinshasa continues to violate the decisions taken to stop the fighting, because on this Tuesday, January 16, 2024, it attacked those who are in the front line of the fight.

This statement says, “On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, the Kinshasa regime once again violated the ceasefire when they attacked our frontline fighters and killed two of our commanders.”  M23 concluded by saying that it understood the meaning of this message sent by the government of Kinshasa, so it is going to respond accordingly.