Learn more about the immortal body of St. Thomas

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As history shows, when Jesus Christ was here on earth for about three years, he had 12 apostles who helped him every day in his evangelism and in his travels.

In the first century when Jesus Christ had returned to heaven, his apostles began to preach the good news of the kingdom of Jesus Christ as he had commanded them. All 12 of his apostles were scattered in different places and all of them came from the apostle John and all the others were put to death in mockery.

Today we are not going to return to all the apostles, we are going to look at the history of the apostle or St. Thomas, and we will also look at the miracle that followed his death, because until now his body has not decayed since he died, and before he died there was something he left behind and said what it means. about the return of Jesus.

Thomas was originally a Jew from Galilee, who grew up as a fisherman like many other apostles of Jesus.

This apostle is very famous because he was initially characterized by doubts about the resurrection of Jesus, where he said that the only way to believe it was that he first saw nail holes in his hands, and even touched his side with his finger where they pierced him with a spear.

The Bible tells us that when Thomas had worked for Jesus and seen that he had risen, he began to believe in him more and more.

After Jesus Christ returned to heaven, he promised his disciples that he would send them the Holy Spirit to enable them to be a witness to both Jews and Gentiles.

Shortly after Jesus returned to heaven, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles while they were praying, and from then on they began to preach the good news of the kingdom of Jesus Christ boldly.

History shows that the apostle Thomas went to teach the good news in Ethiopia, then he went to teach the Medes and Persians and he continued to the south of the country of India preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to many people who repented including the great kings, even in that area they consider him as the founder of the first local Church.

tomb of St. Thomas | VINCENT

The Church History series says that Thomas died in India in the year 70 in Malabar.

Since this apostle’s death his body has not decayed till now, even different people go to visit his body in a place called (Chennai).
It is often said that his body is as it was when he died, that it was never embalmed and that no body was used to preserve it.

This body is taken out of the room every year and people go to see it, and those who see it say that it is like a normal sleeping person.

Various researchers have tried to find out what made this body last for more than two thousand years without rotting, but even today they still do not know and until now it is still considered a miracle.
It is only said that before his death, Thomas prophesied that there will be a miracle in his death and that the miracle will be a sign of the exact time the world will end, and the exact time Jesus Christ will return.

This is true, so when his body begins to rot, people will know that the world is going to end, and that Jesus Christ is near.

Many different people believe in religion and the return of Jesus Christ, they believe this to be true, where the believers are always lying on their hands watching his body begin to rot.

Don't Doubt: Saint Thomas in India - Marginal REVOLUTION

In the year 1984, this part of Thomas’s body that does not rot was returned very much, when they took it out as usual, they found that there was a small part of the body that started to rot, where some people started to say that the world was going to end, and it even led to another that in the year In the year 2000 the world will end, although it will not end as some people predicted. If this is true then let’s expect the whole body to rot.