More about the Veterinary Laboratory being built in Rwanda

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It is expected that the construction of the Laboratory at the University of Rwanda Nyagatare College will cost 13.5 billion Rwandan francs.

The management of the University of Rwanda explains that the Laboratory was built in order to improve the level of veterinary medicine, increase the production of animals and strengthen technology in this field.

The authorities also confirm that the Laboratory is expected to be a place for scientific research, analysis, research on domestic animals and wild animals in the whole country and in the District where Rwanda is located.

Raymond Ndikumana, Deputy Director of Planning and Management at the University of Rwanda told the media that the modern Laboratory is a solution for the University in providing quality education, strengthening research, outreach programs and developing various projects.

It is a project that is expected to increase the number of veterinary specialists and technicians working in this field, which is very small compared to the needs of animal care and the increasing number of animals.

Currently, the National Council of Veterinarians states that it has 5000 veterinarians, and confirms that this number is not enough to fill the gap caused by the shortage of veterinarians.

Ndikumana said: “Once the building is complete, we aim to launch a variety of tertiary programs and nine continuing professional development (CPD) programmes. It means that the aim is to increase the capacity of a large number of experts in the services provided professionally, to provide the latest knowledge in veterinary medicine, to increase the productivity of animal husbandry and to strengthen technology.”

Ndikumana also said that the construction of the building will cost 8 billion Rwandan francs while the materials needed will be worth 5.5 billion Frw.


“If the necessary funds are secured, the building will be completed by the end of 2024 or mid-2025,” he said.

It is a project that Ndikumana says is going to support changes and treatments in the programs of the University of Rwanda that already have educational treatments provided in its departments.

The modern Veterinary Teaching Laboratory is expected to be assigned to the College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production and Sciences.

Currently, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is located in the College of Agriculture, Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAVM), located in Musanze District in the Northern Province.

Ndikumana said: “We want the Faculty of Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine to be merged into one college, the project has been submitted to members of the government for approval.”