Gicumbi : Some among the 8 people were injured in the thunderstruck, at the football pitch.

Feature News Health

While the Gicumbi football Pitch was hosting a Football match, lightning and thunker at once struck eight people, including the players and the Team Manager (who is in charge of the daily life of the team), and they were shocked.

It is in the Women’s Football Championship game, which was between Inyemera WFC and Rambura WFC on this Saturday, January 13, 2024, where it was on the 65th  minute of rain, thunder struck, some of the players were relieved, and were immediately taken to the Chambers hospital.

The spokesperson of the Police in the North Province, SP Jean Bosco Mwiseneza, told the Media how the players were doing at the Byumba Hospital where they were very ill. He said, “Lightning struck while they were in the match, and Seven players and one Team Manager fell to the ground as they had a problem to protect themselves, and one girl was injured on the head where it was evident that the lightning burnt her hair”.

He added: “We talked to the doctors who were taking care of them at Byumba Hospital, they told us that they are getting better, except for the one who burned his hair and the one who has minor injuries, they can be discharged in the morning”. SP Mwiseneza, requested that in places where there are various infrastructures, where there are many people, lightning rods should be installed.

He said, “Perhaps infrastructure like that, where there are many people should be installed with lightning rods, because otherwise the rain may fall in the stadium and the lightning will hit them, in such a place where there should be lightning rods”

Among those players in the hospital, most of them belong to the Rambura WFC team.