UK: They were jailed for killing 18 month Old Child.

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Woman Sian Hedges and her boyfriend have been sentenced to life in prison for murdering an 18-month-old.

Prosecutors on Friday accused 27-year-old Sian Hedges and her boyfriend Jack Benham, 35, of mocking the toddler and inflicting countless injuries on her body, breaking her ribs, arms and legs, Prosecutors on Friday accused 27-year-old Sian Hedges and her boyfriend Jack Benham, 35, of mocking the toddler and inflicting countless injuries on her body, breaking her ribs, arms and legs.

The Independent Media announced that Hedges and Benham, all denied doing harm to this Child called Alfie Sam Phillips, The Independent reported that Hedges and Benham both denied harming Alfie Sam Phillips. In the words of Alfie’s father, he said that he still does not know the real truth about what happened to his son. In his statement he said that he was deprived of the opportunity to be with his child and he never talked to him or at least saw him grow up.

Alfie’s father, who described his son as ‘beautiful as gold’, ‘alive’, always playing and laughing, Alfie was killed on the night of November 28, 2020, where those involved in his death are said to have taken drugs including cocaine and wax.