22 Police Officers completed their training, On the use of assistance dogs in security management.

Feature News Rwanda

On this Tuesday, January 9, at the headquarters of the Rwanda Police Department responsible for the use of security dogs (Canine Brigade) located in Gasabo District, a ceremony was held to close the training related to the use of dogs in searching Operations.

It was a two-week training attended by 22 police officers, who were trained to train dogs and use them in various activities to detect threats to security (Bonding and Familiarization), They were given the different courses which include vehicle search, baggage search, building search and general area search.

When he officially concluded the training, the Head of the Police Training Department, ACP Barthelemy Rugwizangoga, said that the Rwanda Police decided to focus on capacity building as the key to help fight crime, He said, “The primary mission of the Rwanda Police and other security agencies is that Rwandans live in security and peace, which is also the source of sustainable Development,

As the world becomes more technologically advanced, so do crimes, criminals want to use more tricks, that’s why building capacity is prioritized to help us stay at a long distance away from criminals.”

Continued saying that “this training is one of the solutions that lead to a better way to deal with criminals because it is a great opportunity that will improve the skills and abilities of the police who use dogs to hunt criminals and identify them quickly, ACP Rugwizangoga thanked those who participated in the training, saying that based on the training the participants showed, it shows that its goals have been achieved, asking them to use the knowledge gained in their daily work.

Jonathan Hernandez, One of the trainers from the Netherlands, in his speech, said that search dogs make a great contribution to security operations but that using them requires diligence and good behavior to be able to pay attention to their every behavior and ‘ the information they provide so that you can do the job well.

The Police Department that uses security dogs started working in 2000, and currently has more than 130 dogs that are used to search for illegal and potentially dangerous items such as explosives (explosions) and drugs that quickly identify a person who has or somewhere there is one of them.