King James prepares to Launch his 8th Album, After almost the 7 Years of Silence.

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RUMURIZA James, who is popularly known as King James, who has been out of music for over seven years and has not held his own concert, has started preparations for the release of his eighth album titled ‘Growing Up’.

King James is going to Launch his 8th Album after almost 7 Years of Silence.

This eighth album, King James announced that he will show it to his fans in the concert he plans to do next year 2024 and that he will announce more about it and the artists who will support him in the concert, In an interview with the media, King James said,

“Next year I will release my eighth album, I will release it at the concert we are planning. That’s what my fans should know.”

In this, King James refrained from saying anything about the dates and the place of the concert, but he confirmed that it will be held in the next year 2024 and that more about it will be announced to the fans of his music gradually as it approaches.

King James 8th Album will feature some singles such as “I’m Taking”, “I Don’t Want You to Cry” and “Benefit” which have already been released while others will be in the studio, This concert will follow what King James did in Rubavu District in 2016 when he released his sixth album “Urukundo”, while his other releases including “Ubobosho” and “I’m OK” he was unable to show to his fans due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

King James is one of the most blessed artists in the music industry in the last years of 2008 when he made a variety of songs that were popular among non-singers mainly because of the messages that come back to love. These songs we cursed like “Buhoro buhoro, Naratomboye, Narashize, Ni iki Utabona ?, Kuko turi kumwe, Amahitamo, Ndakwizera” and many others that put his name on top.

King James has been trying to work with other artists who are not part of the Generation including Ariel Wayz in the song called “Ndagukumbuye” which was popular with many people who were fans of these two artists. There after King James was more interested in business than music and it was said that he was going to stop music completely but he came to oppose the news.