The use of modern smart phones in churches is controversial

Feature News Religious

Parents of older Christians disagree with young people about the use of modern phones known as smart phones in churches. Mostly the adults oppose the way these phones are used, on the other hand those who use them disagree with the parents because there are other uses that help them understand the word of God.

Maritha who is a 47-year-old mother who says that the way young people use phones in churches is sad because some people remember them until they go home.

Maritha said: “where those phones with what’s up have come, the youth have become more distracted in the church so that they ask and exchange the word intended for them, they are very few.

Now everyone has a phone, but I think it has made them sleepless instead of listening to the word of God because they will be busy talking to their friends and end up with that.”

Another parent named Alice also thinks that the youth should have reformed because they are busy using the phones in the church in a shameful way.

Alice said: “It is very serious that the development is leading us badly, especially our children are distracted, and the one who had the heart to come to the church can’t do anything because he is distracted on his phone.

I was recently struck by lightning and I was sitting in the church next to me and a girl was busy on her phone.

Alice added: “It’s good that someone would leave the phone at home or turn it off when they know the value of the place where they are sitting. If someone goes to an important meeting and turns off the phone and follows, I don’t know why someone comes to the house of God and degrades it.”

On the other hand, the youth who use these phones in the Siko church see it because sometimes people mistreat them and use them to read Bible lessons, songs and other books containing the word of God.

Eric, who is one of the youths who uses the phone in the church, said: “Sometimes adults see someone looking at the phone and think they are on WhatsApp or Facebook, but sometimes you are following a lesson in the Bible.”

Alice is also a girl who used to use her phone to read the Bible and then gave it up, but she didn’t judge anyone who looked at her phone while in church.

Jane said: “Before, I used to read the Bible on my phone, but I stopped because I found it distracting to people who approached me and wanted to look at my phone, thinking that there were other things I was doing.”

Even though I let it go, I don’t judge people who use the phone in the temple to say that they are all confused because the way progress comes is that even in the things of God, even if it comes, a person would have a Bible and other books on his phone instead of carrying many books.

That’s how parents and youth treat people who use phones in church. What do you think about smart phones being used in church?