RPF-Inkotanyi Family had elected the new leaders in the Northern Province.

Feature News Politics Rwanda

The members of the RPF-Inkotanyi in the Northern Province are asking the elected officials of this organization in this province, to strengthen the principles of the organization in their daily activities, because it would be the catalyst for the positive changes that the people of the North need.

He was in the general meeting of the RPF-Inkotanyi organization in the Northern Province, which decided to elect the leadership of this organization at the level of this province and to fill its vacant positions. The members said that adherence to the principles of the organization is enough for the elected officials to fulfill their duties effectively.

Mugabowagahunde Maurice who is the Governor of the Northern Province who was elected to be the leader of the RPF-Inkotanyi organization in this province, said that when all the organizations of this organization are filled, it is a good time to prepare for the elections scheduled for next year.

In general, in the FPR-Inkotanyi organization at the level of the Northern Province, there are 8 elected positions, including three members of the executive committee, three members of the youth group that is part of this organization and two of the women’s group that is part of it.

Yet the RPF Inkotanyi have been preparing the President Elections that will take place in the Next year 2024 where the Candidate is H.E Paul Kagame who is always the choice of Rwandans and was requested by Rwandans to accept their offer of Ruling Rwanda for the 4th mandant.