What to do as parents, when your child is in the use of drugs.

Feature News Health

It’s very hard for a parent to learn that their child is on drugs. The first thing to do is to accept this situation and start thinking on how to help in order for them to stop using. Psychologist Julian Melgosa tells us that the following are some of the key steps on what to do

1. You should talk with the child so that you get to know how serious the problem is : since when has she/he been using and what kind of drugs they are.

2. The child needs to be reassured of your love : so show them that you are concerned with their behavior and you want to help in changing.

3. Try to get close to the child and look for the source of the problem : it might be that the child doesn’t feel cared for, peer pressure or even that they feel lonely which drives them towards drug abuse.

4. Do as much as you can to show your child that they can depend on you; show them by action and by words that they can come to you for advice rather than their friends.

5. Create a good relationship with your child. Granted the child is on drugs and it’s very wrong; but there is no point to it in always insulting and shouting at them, Make a friend and they will feel at closer to you.

6. If you find that you have done all that you can and yet the child is still using drugs, then look for help : you can look for psychologists or even those who used to use drugs who can give him testimonies.

7. You should also look for your own personal help : You might find this situation overwhelming. If so, then look for a close firend who you can talk to and they will help in ways such as how to handle yourself or even console you.

Last but not least, the following are signs that your child may be using drugs :
– Lack of Appetite.
– Change of behavior.
– Lack of interest if school, sports or any other hobbies.
– Increase in languidity or sleeping a lot.
– Laziness, Lying.
– Asking for money with no explanation of the use.
– Stealing money and other valuables from home.
– Being away from home without anyone knowing their whereabouts.

Today, many parents are worried and concerned about drugs. Every parent should feel concerned because it can happen to any of their youth children.