The real reason you won’t get promoted at work

Business Sports

You have all the knowledge and skills and you do your job well. But there is a way that when they select those who go to high-level and management positions that make decisions, your name seems to be forgotten. A possible reason for this is that there is something important you are not doing to get to the point where anyone would dream that you are worthy of leadership.

Managers also need a combination of knowledge and skills, especially in relation to technical skills and other specific skills in their work.

So if you want to move up in management, you will need to think about how you can improve the way you communicate with your colleagues, so that everyone can see that you have the authority to lead others.

You should start communicating regularly with the people who work with you, and learn to respect those below you at work as you do those above you and treat them as well as you do at work.

If you are sincere and know how to appreciate everything they do for you, no matter how small, it will show you as a raised person and increase your dignity and you deserve to be older than others even if they are older than you.

But here you have to know ‘what’s wrong with you’; your employers and you know that they are the real ‘boss’ you should respect them and apply them in accordance with your responsibilities. Your superiors always need information and figures from your work, they should always know what you do and what you are busy with, they should know your achievements, obstacles and problems you expect to come to work in the future, there will not be many surprises that come as excuses. unannounced..

You should arrive at the conference and meet other attendees as they arrive. You should not talk to people you don’t know, if they tell you everything about them you should also tell them all the information about you so they can get to know you as a person. This is the time when you find yourself in a meeting with those you do not work with but do the same or have something to do with your career.

Know and remember people’s birthdays, spouses’ and children’s names. It’s fun when you look at the place and remember it easily.

If someone you know has been promoted, or got married, don’t hesitate or forget to send him a message of congratulations and a message of support, condolences when he faces such a tragedy as your loss. People remember kindness like that forever.

These days, e-mails, text messages and even WhatsApp and other social media are the main ways we communicate with our colleagues, but face-to-face conversations, phone calls or video chats are better. especially because it makes you understand each other and work together as people more.

In conversation, you should use language that makes sense when you write and build a relationship that you can do so that the person you are writing to knows that what you are writing is important.

Use simple opening and closing greetings and avoid ‘forwarding’ too many messages from others.

Be polite and open if it is necessary to interrupt the conversation, postpone the meeting or interrupt someone’s speech.

You should be careful and follow the dress code of the company you work for, but add 5%. This will make you stand out. Also learn to laugh heartily without the person laughing in front of you and practice eye contact.

Be confident and when you go to an argument, let’s fight, but respect the opinions of others, don’t try to show that you know everything and don’t leave your life and hide that there is something you don’t know because you don’t know everything.

It is very important to know how to listen to all your colleagues, and show them that you care about what they are saying by believing or using body parts and facial expressions that show that you are receptive to their ideas. Show people your values by asking questions instead of using words to sound like you have something to say about everything.

There is no one who is at a loss for something to say whenever he finds himself having to talk to someone who is important to him in his work and career. So always have something like a 20-minute ‘presentation’ written, you never know, it could help you instead of talking about what you do!

In fact, every interview you do at work should be conscientiously prepared. This allows you to be efficient and reach what you want when you are looking for information or help.

Before it’s too late, you’ll find that there are people interested in you. What you do and how you do it, and wait, your time will come to be promoted.