Not only the people who live in the villages that face this problem of the Mices in their homes but also in the towns nowdays they face it, Mices are sometimes dangerous in people lives because they can poison them even though many people don’t know this.
Apart from poisoning Mices also are likely to destroy some properties at home Like clothes, Shoes and other Kitchen materials like Places and Cups they also dig the house into the holes in the different Corners.
There are some house that have these mouses in prenty as if it’s the Epidermic due to their home disorder and in this case they think it’s their period or someone sent them through the conflicts.
Whenever your home is not well organized from A-Z you suffer from this Epidermic, Many homes have prenty Mices and they are causing deep problems to the extent they are always looking for the Solution by buying their killing Pills insteady of banishing them from their homes by Cleaning and organizing all their stuffs.
Nowdays in homes, Once they are going to prepare food especially Maize Floor they have to be careful and first check out and remove their Feaces and sometimes they find mices inside the Sacs, or have chewed the sacs and dropped the floor. All these disturbances waste their time and consume their money in buying these pills for killing the Mices.
Not even Homes but also trading houses or some Mini markets and supermarkets Mices may be found there due to the disorder in the house, Here we going to discuss about some simple things to do in banishing or chasing Mices away without killing Pills.
There are different ways to banish mice permanently without need of buying killing pills or searching for the Cats that include the following :
On the Figaro Newspaper they say that in banishing the Mices people need different thinkings but the first thing is to arrange everthing in your house and avoid having any rotten things, Other shabby things in the house because they attract mices.
There is also looking for the Leaves of the plants like Pappyrous and put them inside the house that they send them aways because of their smell, Another way of banishing Mices based on their smelling capability, is to put anything that contains Cat’s urine in the House because the Mices never come thinking there is a cat around.
Professor Francois Naramabuye who is the Lecture in the University of Rwanda say that even though he is not an expert in that but the best way of banishing the Mices away from the house is to arrange everything avoiding shabbiness, Closing Saucepans of the Food.
He said “There are some mices who which disappear when they lack what to eat for atleast 2 days.” So when you protected your food from them, They got hungry and go looking in other places.”Â
Prof Naramabuye say that covering the Food saucepans and the Food store, and the mices don’t smell them or they are not having access to reach them, there is no need for them to live in your house as long as they are not getting what to it.
Le Figalo also say that the main clear way for banishing Mices in the houses is to care of cleanliness in the dinings or in the kitchens, washing the plates and cups and removing unused things and rubbish away, In this case you will never see the mices again, Because the only main reason for the Mices and Rats is to find food to eat and feed their young ones in their dairly lives.